There are really three things that take this show from ordinary to the level of
Amazing writing - these guys are able to create a very textured and layered story. And raise the bar almost every week. Sure there are some little sidetracks to the story (Nikki and Paulo) and even a few dead ends (Anna Lucia and Eko) but even then, they manage to tie in enough island mythology to keep the story chugging forward. It's great when we see something in season three that nicely wraps up a question or mystery from season 1. With one exception (Jack's Tatoos, seriously - who cares) We know this is all building to a payoff.
Terrific Acting - Wow, they have the best casting people. I actually loathe Ben, although I think Michael Emerson deserves an EMMY. Elizabeth Mitchell is awesome, The opening scene of "Tale of Two Cities" was one of the best scenes of the year. Likewise when Juliette stared down Smokey at the fence, I was blown away. Terry O'Quinn always seems to give a very believable performance as Locke (my favorite character) and I think Josh Holloway has been perfectly cast as Sawyer. Almost all of the cast has grown into their roles and as an ensemble are the finest cast working today. My only exceptions would be Claire, who must have something coming in a future season, because she hasn't done anything yet, and Daniel Dae Kim, who was so good in "Crusade" and yet hasn't had his own episode to show off here yet.
Solid Production - With few exceptions , this is one of the best produced shows ever. In light of the HD, you tube , freeze frame age, these guys have shown amazing continuity. Anagrams, clues, and props are spot on and believable. They have added everything but the kitchen sink to this island and it still floats. At one time I thought they were winging it, but I'm pretty sure they have devised a master plan and it will work. Just don't pull a Sopranos and it'll all be okay.
I've heard them describe this show as a mosaic, and we only have half the tiles. I've read so many theories about LOST and I haven't seen one I believe yet. I just don't think we have enough pieces yet to put it all together. Every theory I've read leaves out a few things or fills in blanks or makes assumptions (Jacob explanation anyone?). The only thing for sure is that it's not Purgatory.
I agree with you. The entire team of Lost does an amazing job! How do they think of so many subtle clues and connections? It is pure genius!
Claire should be coming into her own, I would think, now that Charlie is gone. She has had some very cool flashbacks yet they (the writers) have distanced her from the big action, at least since she was kidnapped by Ethan. However, with the season 3 developments I look for her to come to the forefront a bit more. At least, I hope so.
My favorite character would have to be Ben. Though Locke runs a very close second. The two of them together blow my freakin' mind!
I like Claire's character, and now that the Jack connection has been established I think she will take on a more central role in the show.
Thanks for your comments.
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