The Last Season

The Last Season
One Dark and One Light...

Friday, June 8, 2007

Kate and Juliette

I must say this seasons two leading ladies put on an impressive performance. Elizabeth Mitchell is simply outstanding in her role as Juliette. I love the little "I know more than I'll ever tell you" smirk. I am really hoping she gets an Emmy for this seasons performance, especially in 'One of Us'.

Evangeline had me in season one already. I think the lost little girl island Kate is easier for her to portray than the cold killer in the flashbacks. The little brow furrowing and head tilt with the "I don't understand" look is perfect for her. I think for her first major role that she is done an excellent job and I hope she gets an Emmy as well for her performance.

So, with that said about the actresses, let me go into my thought on the characters and my gut reaction to them.

Kate is a dumbass. Not only can she not keep a secret, but she can't understand simple directions. Don't come back for me, Don't follow us when we go hunting Others , Don't tell anybody about the tape...

She is just a little girl who keeps getting into trouble and the big boys have to come rescue her. awww, how sweet. I am also not buying into the 'she loves Jack, but sleeps with James' B.S.

If she loved Jack, and knew he was in a cage a hundred feet away, she wouldn't have slept with
Sawyer. it isn't realistic. This was done only for you Jaters and Shippers. I'm not one of either, frankly, I don't care. I assume the writers are doing this to keep a female audience interested in the show.

Juliette sure is a conflicted woman. As we saw in her flashback, she wants desperately to get off the island and get home. If these are in fact her motivations, and knowing Ben is not going to let her go, why hasn't she defected completely to the losties.

When I say completely, I mean she knows a lot more about whats going on on the island than shes telling. "If I told you everything, you'd kill me" she said to Sayid on the way back to the beach. I don't think so. Unless she was involved directly in killing any of the losties, I think they would give her a pass on anything else.

Okay, I know that logic eliminates some of the way writers tell a story. You can't give away the whole mystery enchilada right off the bat and expect viewers to stick around for the romance bullshit. However, I like that the writers tried to appease the viewers by having Sayid ask the questions we were all asking, "Who are you people?, What do you want?, Why are you terrorizing us?" but that's not all I'm talking about.

Common Sense:

In Enter 77, Sayid got hold of a map showing underground tunnels running through various parts of the island. Two were shown going into the Barracks compound. We also know that Jack and Sayid were gassed inside the compound. Why oh Why when Kate and Juliette returned to get Jack and Sayid did they not investigate the tunnels?

I mean really, nobody was around. Wouldn't any normal logical person look around for something to use, some info or intel to help them? Wouldn't you or I have gone to Ben's quarters and searched it for clues.
One episode before Kate and Juliette were mud wrestling, would they not want to use the washer and dryer or hit the showers before trekking off again into the woods? Hell why trek off into the woods at all, there was obviously a tunnel that led from the barracks compound to the Pearl Hatch (as we saw in Razzle Dazzle, when Paco was hiding his stash in the Crapper.) Juliette knew about the tunnel, yet said nothing, probably could have saved them hours of hiking through the jungle.

Come on, these women (especially if Kate wanted to look good for Jack) would have wanted to clean up and smell good.

Okay, I'm being too logical right? Just sit right back and let the tale unfold. Well, I can't help it, I am a problem solver, and that means I like to dissect and analyze the situation. On this show it means trouble for me because there are so many loose ends and new mysteries popping up every week.

In future posts, I will go into more of these 'Huh?' moments and try to examine some of them.


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