One of the enduring mysteries concerns the comings and goings from LOST island. We've seen plenty of evidence that it is indeed possible to leave and return to the island.
Ahhh, but how?
In Ben's flashback, back in the happy days of the DHARMA initiative's reign on the island, new arrivals were seen walking down the dock and being greeted with Leis and Namastes. We also saw Juliette arrive in the same way, being greeted by Ben upon her arrival. So this is probably the normal way people arrive, although as I stated in an earlier post, I don't believe this is how large equipment arrives.
If there was an airport available, I believe it would have been utilized earlier and also to bring in people. So I am left to assume they had to bring in the heavy equipment some other way. That dock doesn't look long enough and the lagoon deep enough for a Freighter ship so I'm curious to know how those VW vans got there.
The Arrow station, supposedly the storage facility, was not located near an airstrip or dock. not very convenient for transportation purposes. I don't really think we've seen all of the Arrow station anyway, I think there is more there than meets the eye. Horace Goodspeed had the Arrow station patch on his overalls and he was a "Mathemetician", so it's unlikely he was working in shipping and receiving.
When Juliette was questioned by Sawyer about what they were constructing on the Hydra Island, Juliette jokingly said it was "for the aliens", and obvious joke on Sawyer's line in "Live Together, Die Alone" when he joked with Kate about the others being aliens. But then Juliette said they were building an airstrip.
How is it possible for an airplane to fly to this hidden island? Wouldn't the electromagnetic anomaly affect the aircraft and it's navigation system. If not why wouldn't they have built on much sooner, say back in the DHARMA days? Curious because the PRD's (periodic supply drops) were still taking place and the pallets in the jungle had obvious parachutes lying next to them. This would indicate an airdrop.
Let's change directions for a moment, 108 degrees.
We know Ethan and Richard were off the island in order to recruit Juliette. We later saw them on the island .(this is all after the Purge took place) so we know that Ben and group still can make the round trip. Although after the Purge it seems odd that Richard and Ethan would have access to off island resources (Herarat Aviation).
When Alex asked Ben why he just doesn't let the losties go, he answers; "I can't". Now there is some wiggle room for double meaning there, but I took what he said literally. With the submarine blown up, Ben can't let them go because he can't actually access The Looking Glass Hatch to let the losties go (except maybe one or two people via scuba gear).
Picturing Ben here as Ramses and Jack as Moses: "Let my people go" Yet in the original story, Moses never made it to the promised land and in LOST the first person we see off the island (flash forward) is Jack (Moses).
We know that the others on the island assumed that it was possible or even normal to travel off island. Even though Ben told Juliette it was only an illusion to keep order, there still must have been a way to do it for real. Mikhail fully bought into the illusion as he seemed surprised that Bonnie and Greta weren't on assignment in Canada as Ben had told him (although it would have seemed odd because as communications officer he would have been the one to receive messages from them if they were off the island), and a curious anomaly, Mikhail was told The Looking Glass was flooded by Ben, so where did he think Desmond was going to go?
Changing directions back to 325 degrees again.
One thing puzzling me is the submarine (Galaga). It appears to have three places to dock, The dock where Locke claims to have blown it up, the dock at Hydra station, and the Looking Glass Hatch. Travel to and from the island via submarine is slow and still doesn't explain where it goes to pick up people off island ( and like I said, it still wouldn't be able to bring in heavy equipment). I suppose the heavy equipment could have been air dropped, but I wouldn't want to be standing around when they dropped the cement truck off.
Juliette was given a sedative because as Richard put it "The ride gets a little bumpy". She arrives at an airport to leave and gets off at her destination from a submarine. Hmmmm... Why not give her the sedative right before she gets on the sub? And how did she get on that sub? I believe they put her on the sub at The Looking Glass.
I'll bet Naomi was flying around out there every day for weeks or months before the island came into phase as she flew over. Her group probably knew they were close to the island location, maybe they monitored the Arctic boys phone call to Penny. If so, they would have a plausible cover story to drop in on the island. (oh, we were just looking for Desmond.) Speaking of the Arctic boys, wasn't it interesting that when they picked up the signal from the island it had a direct connection to the Numbers. Look at the screen, pictured.
7418880 is the product of the Numbers:
4 × 8 × 15 × 16 × 23 × 42 = 7418880
7 + 4 + 1 + 8 + 8 + 80 = 108
Hmmmm... 108 again, I sense a theme here.
I think The Looking Glass is the key. Other than just a signal jammer, this station must have a significant purpose. The signal was on autopilot and apparently everyone thought it was flooded, so why were Greta and Bonnie there? Why place it under water? To hide it? The island is already hidden. Maybe under water the electromagnetic interference is diffused? What hid the island before The Looking Glass turned on it's jamming signal? Why didn't anyone triangulate the signal coming from the broadcast tower? I know, I have more questions than answers.
My Theory:
The Looking Glass is the rabbit hole. It is a stable portal to the outside. It is the Time Tunnel. Controlled arrival and departure is via The Looking Glass. People pass through to get on and off the island and this station controls when and where in the time stream they come or go. Sure you can arrive on the island by air and sea (sailboat, slave ship, balloon, airliner, beechcraft, parachute) but these are rare and random occurrences and only during the islands synching into phase with the current dimension or timeline.
Think of the Opening Logo of the show. It is out of focus (phase) and slowly comes into focus (phase) and only for a moment can you see and read it clearly ( access the island) before it goes out of focus (phase).
Whoa, that's out there.
I appreciate all your input on my theory.
I have just started a new job and it's keeping me hopping like a little white rabbit, so I will be updating a little slower than usual until I settle into my new job.